Private key exported from Electrum, unable to recreate Address with Python

Private key exported from Electrum, unable to recreate Address with Python

I have created a new Electrum wallet, and here is an address:


By right-clicking on it, I choose "Private key" which gives:


Now I want to be able (to learn how it works) to go from this private key to the address, via elliptic curve multiplication.

Here is what I tried:

import bitcoin #pybitcointools
import base58
import binascii

pvt = 'Kzuucz58MiTbbedeVuqBaPYwG1TQrV3n2NYU2dJRZ7HEHnHsUXWx'
pvtdecoded = base58.b58decode(pvt)
pvthex = binascii.hexlify(pvtdecoded)[2:-8]     # remove the first initial byte for version and 4 final bytes for checksum
pvt2 = bitcoin.decode_privkey(pvthex, 'hex')    # decode as a decimal

# generate pubkey from pvtkey with elliptic curve multiplication
public_key = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, pvt2)
addr = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address(public_key)
print addr

which gives: 1LNSuE4NKHTyHygeKwnU1equ7MjPMhayxB which is not the original address.

What's wrong? How to recover the original address (1JkZLnmFfpVFLT2ZMtKzc6BuXMdmY41EHA) from the Private key by using elliptic curve multiplication?

Edit: As Kz....Wx private key looks like a WIF-compressed one, I tried to replace:

pvt2 = bitcoin.decode_privkey(pvthex, 'hex')    # decode as a decimal


pvt2 = bitcoin.decode_privkey('Kzuucz58MiTbbedeVuqBaPYwG1TQrV3n2NYU2dJRZ7HEHnHsUXWx', 'wif')

but then after elliptic curve multiplication, it gives another address, which is still not the good one! (18dFF3EQoPxR44TygdGxHPMe3LSLFeQe4U)


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